Most homeowners are all too aware of the number of appliances and items in their home that will eventually require replacing. Furnaces, air conditioners, water heaters and even entire roofs are  just a few examples of things most homeowners will have to replace while they live in a particular property. Another major component of any home that can often require replacing is the windows. Although they may not be something you think about as often, your home’s windows can have a major impact on the comfort and efficiency provided by your climate control systems. Purchasing replacement windows can be an expense, but when the time comes to get replacements, you can end up saving much more in the long term as opposed to keeping your current, under-performing windows.

            To help you determine when it is time to think about home window replacements for yourself, take a look at ten common signs listed below.

10 Signs When You Need to Replace Your Home Windows

1.Rising Utility Prices

            One of the biggest reasons why most homeowners eventually require replacement windows is due to inefficiency. A properly installed and working window system will prevent any unnecessary loss of heat in the winter time and cool air in the summer. If the windows are not performing their job properly, you can expect to see your energy bills rise in price. This is because the lack of proper window insulation is causing your HVAC system to work harder, drawing more power and costing you more money.

2.Air Drafts

            A major sign that it is time to consider home window replacement is when you can feel drafts of air coming through a closed window frame. When this occurs, it means the weather seal on your window is deteriorated, and air is able to pass through. You may even hear the air moving on a windy day in the winter time. At this point, you can get some temporary weather stripping to stop the air flow, but that will only be a temporary fix at best. When you can hear and feel air seeping through your windows, that is a sure sign that it is time to install some replacements.

3.Compromised Function

            Windows are meant to stand up to some significant weather for a long period of time. They are not designed to be roughly handled or jostled around. If you notice you are having to contend with stiff windows that are hard to open or lock and unlock, it is best not to force the window if it is stiff. If you are having trouble with these basic functions of your window, it is usually a sign that replacement isn’t too far away.

4.Single Pane

            Double glazing for windows has been available in homes since ancient Roman times! That is why we always are puzzled why any builder would choose to equip a new home with inefficient single pane windows. These offer practically no insulation from warm or cold outside air, and often contribute to high energy costs. If you find your home has a lot of single pane windows, it is often worth the investment to upgrade to a double or even triple glazed window to improve your home’s overall efficiency.

5.Broken Seals

            Double glazed windows have a combination of argon and krypton gasses between each pane of glass in order to improve the insulation performance of the window. Unfortunately, this will only remain effective as long as the seal between these panes of glass remains air tight. Once that seal is compromised, you will start to see moisture build up between the glass. When this happens, it means the double glazing on the window is no longer functioning, and it is time for a window replacement.


            Another damp sign associated with poorly functioning windows is major condensation. If you find in the winter that you are constantly wiping the inside of your window to clear away condensation, it is often a sign that the window is doing a poor job of keeping warm indoor air separate from the cool air outside. If it is not addressed, that condensation will continue to build up, and the moisture can lead to more extensive water damage around the wooden window frame.


            As we just mentioned, a buildup of water or condensation around a window for long periods of time can result in structural decay of the wooden frame. Even newer windows made with plastic are usually held in place with a wooden frame. When water is allowed to seep in through the window, you may start to see signs of discolouration or bubbling paint on the window frame. Eventually that water damage will lead to rotting wooden window frames, meaning your window replacement job will require more work and more money to complete.

8.Sound Proofing

            Windows are also designed to reduce the amount of noise that reaches the inside of your house. While it is all right to hear some noises through a closed window, you shouldn’t be able to hear everything! When you notice that you are having to contend with outdoor noises like a car starting half a block away, it is time to consider window replacements.

9.Obvious Structural Damage

            Sometimes a window may seem all right from the inside when it is literally falling apart on the outside. While some people may hope to fix the issue with a new coat of paint or some temporary window stripping, once the structure of a window starts to break down there are no other options besides replacement. The last thing anyone wants to deal with is a broken window that suddenly falls out of its frame. Before you reach this point, take the time to consider a replacement window.

10.Curb Appeal

            Once you have new window replacements installed at your home, you will be shocked to see how much they improve the appearance and overall curb appeal of your home. In addition, a home with newly replaced windows can often earn you more money on the market thanks to the low utility costs associated with this type of upgrade!

Once you determine whether or not home window replacement is right for you, be sure to contact the friendly experts at Premier Glass to get started on an estimate for your replacement windows.